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Car Radio With Google Maps

Car Radio With Google Maps - Binize

YuanYuan Liu |

 YES!head unit with google maps!

People has moved on from the old-fashion car stereos with only indash dvd player and Radio functions to the new, android car multimedia player with navigation app like Google Maps, Bluetooth connection, and so on. However, it's not easy to find an aftermarket car stereo come with built-in google maps.

Sometimes, the unit has a lot of complicated functions that can distract you while you're driving, it’s not safe for drivers.

Binize is not just about developing multi-function car stereo like the apple car play radio, but also focus on easy to operate. Binize car radio with google maps. Just need a web-enabled cell phone, and connect the hot spot, android auto car stereo

With the aid of the android car stereo, you can use all these features easily and more in your car.