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Toyota Camry 2007-2011 car stereo installation

YuanYuan Liu |

Toyota Camry 2007-2011 car stereo installation


The radio is the core entertainment device in your Camry, and one way to make it more enjoyable is to upgrade your audio system experience. Sound systems come in various shapes, types, and price ranges, so choosing one can be quite complicated, and installation won't work. We have compiled a step-by-step car stereo installation guide to show you how to install an aftermarket head unit in your Camry. If you feel uncomfortable doing this, you can go to a dealer or professional audio shop.

First all all, we need to prepare the materials for the installation, you will need:

  • Aftermarket car stereo
  • Trim removal tool
  • Phillips screwdriver
  • Ratchet wrench and 10mm socket


Step 1 - Remove Trim Panels


Here are the first steps for installing Toyota Camry aftermarket car stereo. Sitting in the driver's seat, start by removing the decorative panel under the radio and the air conditioning ventilation panel above. First use the trim removal tool to swing it between the panel and the outer edge, and then carefully swing it through the gap until it pops out slightly. Repeat the same steps for the air conditioning panel above the radio. Once the panel pops up, proceed to unclip the wiring connector and fully retrieve the panel.


car stereo installation


Use the trim removal tool to pop out the panels.


car stereo installation


Repeat the same step with the A/C vent panel.


Step 2–Retrieve Stock Unit


With the trim panel removed and left in place, there are four 10mm bolts holding the stock unit in place. There are 2 screws on the back of the disassembled bottom panel, and 2 screws on the top, which are located on the air conditioner ventilation plate. Use a 10mm socket and a ratchet wrench to disassemble it. Then carefully twist the device out of position and disconnect the seat belt to retrieve it completely.


car stereo installation



Remove bottom & top bolts.


car stereo installation


Carefully pull unit out.


Step 3–Install The Aftermarket Head Unit


After the old radio is removed, the opened central control should be ready for the installation of aftermarket units. Don't forget to plug in the connector on the back of the new stereo. After finishing above steps about Camry car stereo installation, perform these steps.

  • Install a new unit.
  • Insert the connectors.
  • Replace 4 bolts.
  • Replace both body trim panels.



car stereo installation

Aftermarket unit installed.